Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Kseniya Soroka
Energy ✨ Light 💫 Adventure 🙌
Not so long time ago I was sitting in the office in front of my computer, doing some calculations in Excel and finishing my Powerpoint presentation. I looked at the window - it was a very warm and sunny day outside (it doesn’t happen very often in the Netherlands). I wanted to go for a short walk after lunch in order to enjoy the sun, but suddenly remembered about the deadline, and decided to finish the presentation instead…
Going back to my computer, I heard a voice in my head: “Wait a minute, is it my real life now? Is this job that I am spending 8 hours each day is something I really want to do in my life?”
And suddenly another voice in my head replied: “Kseniya, you recently moved from Ukraine to the Netherlands, invested and completed your MBA, got a good job with high salary, bonuses, company car, you even bought appartement in Amsterdam, isn’t it the life that everyone wants?”
Please don’t get me wrong, as it was indeed a very good job in the international company. I really put a lot of efforts to get it – got new education degree, went through numerous rounds of interview, tests, assessments, and finally I got an offer! Yes, I did it, I succeeded! Because that was the goal… but was it really My goal? With all the evident benefits, I felt myself stuck, I had very low energy, my manager didn’t see “sparkle” in my eyes anymore, I was impatiently waiting for 6PM to go home … I felt something was not right, but I couldn’t understand what exactly.
I was totally stuck in my life perspectives until I hired a Co-Active Coach for myself. During first sessions it became so clear for me what my values were, what I wanted to bring more into my life and where I want to say No... We even came up with the draft version of my Life purpose statement that nowadays has been transformed into: I am open, authentic and vulnerable Warrior Princess (Xena) who servses people in transforming their life into Courageous Life Adventure. And I felt at ease, as finally I’ve got a feeling what I want my life be about…
Today I am already Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, and being open, authentic and vulnerable I am walking my Path and serving others to find their Path. I believe that since the moment we are born we are all on our life journey, and it depends on us, our decision, commitment and courage, to connect into our “InnerNet” that has all the answers and take the responsibility to transform this journey into a Life Adventure. Because of my strong commitment to be courageous and authentic Self in all aspects of my life, no matter what (!) surprisingly, the Universe has already shown me so many opportunities, events, people at the right place and the right time that I could not even dream about. And that what I stand for my clients during the coaching sessions: I’m giving them my full focus and support, so they could recognise their own authenticity, be courageous and confident about the upcoming changes, create the opportunities for themselves and living their Courageous and Authentic Life Adventure to the fullest already now.
It was such a pleasure to co-work with Kseniya, who has supported me, created a trust atmosphere from our 1st session and helped my to re-discover my inner voice, to trust myself, to connect to myself. Equipped now with right tools, I can hear my inner voice speaks loader now!
Worldwide Head of Retail Performance & Client Services at Alexander McQueen
I reached out to Kseniya after a mutual friend introduced us. From the first session, I felt we connected, she created an open trustful space to work in. I wanted a change and was somehow lost in deciding where to go and how to start. Through our sessions, we covered several topics… introspection on personal values, broadening perspectives in the face of challenges, defining my own space to manage relationships with my team, breathing/visualization techniques to disconnect and think clearly. All of the topics were ad hoc to my need at the time, but always connected by a string of purpose to achieve my goal. Also Kseniya was very focused into action, after every session I was clear on what I needed to do to move forward, and eventually, I did change quite some things in my life! Kseniya is a flexible, creative and caring coach, without a doubt highly recommend her!!
Laura Diaz │Global Investment Controller at Henkel, MBA │Amsterdam, the Netherlands
A truly gifted coach, Kseniya's sessions focus on allowing you to find your own answers and be your own guide. I looked towards coaching to provide a bit guidance in my career and Kseniya's coaching enabled me to naturally access my own skills and talents and put these to their best use in my current career. The statement that we are all naturally whole, creative and resourceful is true and Kseniya strives for every individual who comes through her door to understand this and in turn live their best and fullest live.
Danielle Savvas | Business Development | EMEA Residential and Small Commercial | Energy Storage | Tesla Amsterdam Area, Netherlands
Kseniya and I had several coaching sessions. Kseniya guided me through the journey of revealing the heart of the problem that bothered me and helped to come up with actionable items to sort it out. It was my first experience of working with a coach. Therefore, I had my doubts about whether I can fully open myself and trust someone else with my own issues. It proved to be never an issue as Kseniya's reassuring and comforting style of coaching helped me to fully open myself. I strongly recommend her for those who are looking for a professional coach.
Olga Afanasieva, Product Leader│Product Manager, London, United Kingdom
I would like to thank Kseniya for her excellent support on my personal coaching program. This has been my first experience working with a personal Co-Active coach. I was in a really bad situation in my life. Kseniya helped me to answer my own questions and I made the right decisions. She really made me see what I needed. Thank you so much for your excellent guidance and for helping me to see the “Sky”, my “Heaven” (this is my Inner Leader).
Arzu Demirel │Program Director and Screenwriter │the Author of cartoon “Niloya” │ Istanbul, Turkey
I strongly recommend Kseniya’s co-creative and dynamic coaching style. It really helped me reflect on my career, define my drive and re-energize.
Lionel EXPOSITO│Managing Director & Sr. Enabler at reTHINK│ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
I adored coaching sessions with Kseniya. She is very professional, and she was for me kind of a motivational guru. I liked the format of our sessions - from reflections to actions directly. During the time we worked together I learned more about myself, about my internal support in different situations, I got rid of some of my fears and limitations. And I am very happy to see the results and to look at “new me”. Thank you
Olga Kozak │Co-founder Lemongrassclub │Paris, France
Ксения, после сессии с тобой и понимаю, вроде ничего нового не узнала...
Но! Такая внутренняя сила появилась и поняла один момент про относительность всего. Восприятие себя и действительности. Это дает такой контроль над своим настроением.
Короче, сложно объяснить письменно - Ты крутая!
Olga Badziukh | User Experience Designer | Motion & Graphic Designer │ Hilversum, the Netherlands
Kseniya is a wonderful person and very professional Co-Active coach! I enjoyed our coaching sessions every time. Kseniya not only helped me with having a clear vision about my abilities and using them in a completely new environment, but she also guided me in prioritizing the things I want to do and being happy while committing to my core values. I was constantly looking forward to our sessions and always left with the fulfilment and getting ready to take the next action.
Aida Besic Delic│ Communication Professional │Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Для меня важным было научиться слушать свое тело и ощущения, смотреть, где есть блоки, где откликается боль, а где свежий ветерок. А также использовать это как индикатор в общении с людьми. Если больно, то уходи. И перестать сомневаться в своем выборе. Есть люди, после которых летаешь, а есть, которые тянут камнем вниз. Или как говорят – чемодан без ручки. Неудобно, тяжело, но выбросить жалко.
Вообще мне очень понравился Ваш созидательный подход. Вы очень деликатно ведете сквозь техники и в то же время подталкиваете туда, куда может и не хочется или лень. Но это открывает такие новые ощущения самого себя и глубины своего внутреннего мира.
Irina Van Gorsel Lunevskaya, Operations Coordinator, Omnichannel
Coaching with Kseniya was very opening and inspiring experience. She is open minded and always positive. She intuitivly knows how to guide. It was a pleasure to meet her.
Beata Micialkiewicz │Freelance e-commerce stylist at for De Bijenkorf │ Amsterdam Area, Netherlands
I had a great pleasure meeting Kseniya in my private life and later as the professional coach. Being in a period of changes in my life I’ve received a huge kindness, understanding, perceive and support from Kseniya. Being careful with your feelings, your past and future, she always finds a right words and questions, so you can find your exactly right answers and start acting! I had 10 very productive sessions with Kseniya, each of which was extremely motivating and life changing. With live and great respect.
Katerina Korochkina │Mother of three boys │Gran Canaria, Spain
Kseniya is a woman who understands the confusion of moving to another country and all the challenges you need to deal with. She was really helpful in listening to me and revealing the situations for me, and also to asking the powerful questions, so I could look forward in a way that I haven’t experienced before. If you need help from somebody who understands your feelings, intuition and goals, she is the good one. Thanks Kseniya for showing me more about myself.
Algeria Lucero │ Mother of two boys │Amsterdam, The Netherlands