
Kseniya Soroka

Energy ✨ Light 💫 Adventure 🙌


Not so long time ago I was sitting in the office in front of my computer, doing some calculations in Excel and finishing my Powerpoint presentation. I looked at the window - it was a very warm and sunny day outside (it doesn’t happen very often in the Netherlands). I wanted to go for a short walk after lunch in order to enjoy the sun, but suddenly remembered about the deadline, and decided to finish the presentation instead…

Going back to my computer, I heard a voice in my head: “Wait a minute, is it my real life now? Is this job that I am spending 8 hours each day is something I really want to do in my life?”

And suddenly another voice in my head replied: “Kseniya, you recently moved from Ukraine to the Netherlands, invested and completed your MBA, got a good job with high salary, bonuses, company car, you even bought appartement in Amsterdam, isn’t it the life that everyone wants?”


Please don’t get me wrong, as it was indeed a very good job in the international company. I really put a lot of efforts to get it – got new education degree, went through numerous rounds of interview, tests, assessments, and finally I got an offer! Yes, I did it, I succeeded! Because that was the goal… but was it really My goal? With all the evident benefits, I felt myself stuck, I had very low energy, my manager didn’t see “sparkle” in my eyes anymore, I was impatiently waiting for 6PM to go home … I felt something was not right, but I couldn’t understand what exactly.

I was totally stuck in my life perspectives until I hired a Co-Active Coach for myself. During first sessions it became so clear for me what my values were, what I wanted to bring more into my life and where I want to say No... We even came up with the draft version of my Life purpose statement that nowadays has been transformed into: I am open, authentic and vulnerable Warrior Princess (Xena) who servses people in transforming their life into Courageous Life Adventure. And I felt at ease, as finally I’ve got a feeling what I want my life be about…


Today I am already Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, and being open, authentic and vulnerable I am walking my Path and serving others to find their Path. I believe that since the moment we are born we are all on our life journey, and it depends on us, our decision, commitment and courage, to connect into our “InnerNet” that has all the answers and take the responsibility to transform this journey into a Life Adventure. Because of my strong commitment to be courageous and authentic Self in all aspects of my life, no matter what (!) surprisingly, the Universe has already shown me so many opportunities, events, people at the right place and the right time that I could not even dream about. And that what I stand for my clients during the coaching sessions: I’m giving them my full focus and support, so they could recognise their own authenticity, be courageous and confident about the upcoming changes, create the opportunities for themselves and living their Courageous and Authentic Life Adventure to the fullest already now.