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Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Mental Fitness Coaching
based on Positive Intelligence
They are a set of automatic and habitual mind patterns, each with its own voice, beliefs, and assumptions that work against your best interest. The question is not whether you have them, but which ones you have, and how strong they are. These voices in our heads are connected to the functions of the brain that are focused on survival. We each develop Saboteurs early in childhood in order to survive the perceived threats of life, both physical and emotional. We all share Judge as universal saboteur and also there are 9 accomplice ones.
This muscle helps us to not immediately be swapped by negative reactions to any circumstances, but allows our positive mind to run rather than our Saboteurs (fears) run us, so we can choose to dismiss self-doubt, recover quickly from disappointments. We build up this muscle by doing 10 second exercises called PQ reps (breathing, touching, audio, visual, etc) starting with 15 minutes per day on the PQ app.
The Sage perspective, unlike the Judge perspective that causes you so much distress, leads to peace of mind and focused action even in the middle of the greatest crisis. Your Sage has access to your five great powers: empathy, exploration, innovation, navigation, and decisive action. With these powers, your Sage can meet all the challenges that you face in a way that will not only generate the best results but also lead to the highest level of personal satisfaction, peace of mind, and happiness along the way.
Mental Fitness Program
I lead this 7-12 weeks program for groups with my Business Partner for universities and organisations
Designed like a Mental Fitness Bootcamp this 7-week program gives you the structure, insights, and motivation to practise 15 minutes per day using the Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) App and to deepen your learning with weekly interactive, experiential, live online group coaching sessions to boost your 3 core mental fitness muscles.
Every week you are invited to watch a 60 minute recorded video where the founder of Positive Intelligence, Shirzad Chamine, guides you through the foundational Positive Intelligence concepts that give you an understanding of the fundamental Mental Fitness tools. This inspires and prepares you well to further explore these tools in the weekly experiential learning-based live group sessions.
Exclusive PQ App Guiding Your Daily Practice: Each day a different focus for daily practice is assigned through a personalized PQ App available exclusively to program participants. Using neuroplasticity this builds one small muscle at a time, laying down new neural pathways to form lasting positive habits of your mind so that the cumulative impact by the program's end is substantial.
Interactive PQ Gym: Innovative 10-second PQ Reps build up your Self-Command muscle. You learn to be clear-headed and calm even in the midst of great challenges, able to command your mind to shift from the Saboteur (fears, doubts) to the Sage response (seeing gifts and opportunities in every situation).
Daily Progress Tracking: The PQ App tracks your daily progress against minimum targets associated with new neural pathway (muscle) formation. Personalized daily coaching tips continue to both encourage and challenge you to keep going
60-minute Weekly Live Sessions with your Coach: you will be guided you through the specifically designed interactive and experiential exercises that deepen your learning and evoke mindset transformation where seeing opportunities in EVERY (even challenging) situation becomes a new habit.
POD Support: the impact of this program is life-changing. At the same time the first two weeks appear to be the most challenging. In order to support and hold each other accountable at least for those 7 weeks, we create PODs with 3-5 participants to meet at least for 30 minutes every week.
PQ App with one year access
7 weekly video materials
Positive Intelligence Audiobook
Positive Intelligence book in pdf (1-8 chapters)
PQ App with one year access
7 weekly video materials
Positive Intelligence Audiobook
Positive Intelligence book in pdf (1-8 chapters)