Five years MBA Reunion at RSM, class MBA14

Five years MBA Reunion at RSM, class MBA14


Our official five years MBA reunion started with the RSM Leadership Summit where we had opportunity to listen to several inspiring speakers. RSM’s focus and mission is to be a force for positive change in the world, and all the presentations were about how we could implement this positive change in our lives now.

Change. Positive change.

I believe that for all of us completing MBA five years ago brought that positive change. Change in further developing of our careers, the way we operate, the way we think, the way we behave. With that new skill sets and new perspectives we are more equipped to look into future, having a vision, and at the same time stay grounded in order to implement that positive change into society, organisations, and even our families and personal lives.

Besides the skills and knowledge that we got, I consider MBA as one of the best long-term investments that you could do for yourself – investment in your life, your future, your career in our constantly changing world.

Yes, the cost of this type of education is high, but it pays off greatly, and I am not talking about ROI only, as in reality we get much more out of this experience than only increase in our salaries… We get this strong connection and community for life, such a powerful network of people with different nationalities, cultures, experiences who live all over the world, and who bring this positive change. Besides people from our class, as alumni we are connected to all other alumni, and not only from RSM, but from other business schools as well. Fir example, RSM organises already several years in a row Sailing Armada, Regatta, and other events together with different business schools. In one month many of us will reconnect again at Milan Joint Business School Ball 2019 in Milano to enjoy and have fun at this beautiful occasion. I already bought a dress 💃.

And for me this community, this connection this is the best gift that we all have, and it is priceless.

#mbalife #mba #rsmsummit #reunion #sailing #armada #regatta #rsmreunion

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