What is the difference in such professions as Coach, Therapist, Consultant

What is the difference in such professions as Coach, Therapist, Consultant

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During sample coaching sessions in 80% of cases I get asked about the difference between coaching, therapy, and consulting (or mentoring). I love explaining the difference among those professions on the following example. Let’s imagine that client wants to learn to ride the bicycle, but a bit afraid of doing so by himself, so what would be the approach of those three specialists:

  • Therapist: I see you are afraid of riding the bicycle, so what did cause that fear? what trauma did happen in the past? Did you ever fall from bicycle?

  • Consultant / Mentor: If you want to learn how to ride the bicycle, I will give you several advices based on my experience.

  • Coach: Please sit down on your bicycle and go forward, and I will be there for you to guide you in the direction you choose.

Of course, it is very short and simple explanation, but it gives the understanding of the approaches. While the communication skills used by these professions are similar – such as asking questions, active listening, summarising, etc., they are very different methods and it depends on what the client needs:

  • Therapists work with the past, with the clients’ traumas

  • Consultants/Mentors share their experience while bringing the “mentee” up the ranks.

  • Coaches partner with clients in designing that safe and courageous space that inspires them maximize their personal and professional potential where is always some learning and immediate action that forwards that Learning.

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