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Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
12th April 2019. My last working day at my corporate job. Flowers, presents from the team, farewell drinks… I am about to close my Corporate Chapter, and open new one – Full-time Co-Active Coach, starting my own Coaching practice. Not everyone from my ex colleagues even knew what this profession was about, but everyone was very supportive when I was saying that I just decided to follow my dream, my passion.
Next day I flew to Spain, arrived to Leon in order to start my Camino Way till Santiago de Compostela. That was the first time in my life when:
I decided to go travelling for two weeks just by myself
I was not sure if my body would cope with the walking 350 km as I was limping because of my torn ligaments at ski accident three months before;
I planned nothing ahead: I didn’t know which place I would sleep, eat, I only had my return flight ticket, but even that one I could easily change as I quit my job already.
I have no expectation, I was totally open to something new and unknown.
All the details you could read in my Camino article. And here I want to share one of the valuable insights I got.
On the path being surrounded by beautiful awakened nature, walking 25 km per day during two weeks, I was able to open the space for myself where I was listening to myself, being Myself, hearing my “wants” and “needs” that were suppressed for a long time. Every morning I started with the intention or a question for a day, and although I had no expectation when I should receive my answers, eventually I have got them all on my way.
And that experience helped me to realise that it was very similar to first part of coaching process when we connect with our Inner Wisdom, that is always support, love and present for us. But I had immediate question that popped up in my head: Ok, great, I have got my answers, something was opening for me, but what I should do now with all these insights, how make it all work for me? And I wish I had my Coach at this very moment nearby me to help me to go even deeper and challenge me with the immediate action that I need to do in order make all this work.
Of course, when I was back home, we worked with my own coach on all these answers, insights, experiences that helped me to get back to that feeling and experience it all again, and only then to come up with the strong action plan. And I was wondering – what if I had the coaching session there – in my deepest connection with my self, in my connection with surrounding nature? And I had a thought: why not to do the coaching “on the spot”? why not literally “walk the talk” while doing Camino? As it opened up so much for me and on such a deeper level, so why not using that very unique moment of pure connection with Yourself and discover form that place? And that how Camino Coaching Adventure was born.
If you feel that something is calling and resonating with you, if adventurous is also one of your core values, and you have courage to look deeper inside of your feelings, emotions while doing 25 km per day, you are invited to literally “to walk your talk”.
In order to ensure individualized attention and enough time to reflect between coaching sessions, the space for each program is limited. The “Early Bird” discount is valid till 1st March 2020. If you wnat to know more, please send me a message by clicking the “Contact” button below and I will come back to you with more details.