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Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Please find below detailed logistic information per day: where we start , how many km we will walk, and where we will stop for a night. For those who would like to dive into full Camino experience I also included the recommended albergues with the estimated fee, although it is optional, and if you prefer to book the hotels, please do so.
31.08 - Arrival to Saint-Jean-de-Pied, Albergue Beilari, €30 (Half Pension)
1.09 - from Saint-Jean-de-Pied to Roncesvalles Orreaga, 25,19 km, Alb. Real Colegiata de Roncesvalles, €12
2.09 - from Roncesvalles Orreaga to Larrasoana, 26,78 km, Alb. San Nicoláa, €11
3.09 - from Larrasoana to Zariquiegui, 25,76 km, Zariquiegui Hostel, €11
4.09 - from Zariquiegui to Villatuerta, 30,82 km, Albergue de Villatuerta, €10
5.09 - from Villatuerta to Los Arcos, 25,27 km, Alb. Casa de la Abuela, €9
6.09 - from Los Arcos to Logrono, 27,59 km, Alb. Parroquial Santiago El Real, donation
7.09 - from Logrono to Najera, 28,27 km, Asociacion de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Najera Pilgrims Hostel, donation
8.09 - from Najera to Granon 27,77 km, Alb. San Juan Bautista, donation
9.09 - from Cranon to Vilafranca - Montes de Oca, 27,63 km, SanAntónAbad, €8
10.09 - from Vilalfranca - Montes de Oca to Cardenuela Riopico, 24,47 km, Alb. Santa Fe, €8
11.09 - from Cardenuela Riopico via Burgos to Tardajos, 24,44 km, Alb. La Fabrica, €12
12.09 - from Tardajos to Castrojeriz, 29,48 km, Alb. Rosalia, €10
13.09 - from Castrojeriz to Poblacion de Campos, 28,68 km, Alb. La Finca, €9
14.09 - from Poblacion de Campos to Calzadila de la Cueza, 32,53 km, Calzadila de la Cueza Pilgrims Hostel, €5
15.09 - from Calzadila de la Cueza to Bercianos del Real Camino, 32,05 km, Alb. De Peregrinos, donation
16.09 - from Bercianos del Real Camino to Reliegos, 20,17 km, Alb. de Ada, €7
17.09 - from Reliegos to Leon, 24,56 km, Alb. Miguel Unamuno, €10
18.09 - from Leon to Mazarife, 20,87 km, San Antonio de Padua Hostel, €9
19.09 - from Mazarife to Astorga, 29,64 km, Siervas de Maria Pilgrims Hostel, €5
20.09 - from Astorga to Rabanal del Camino, 24,79 km, Alb. Gaucelmo, donation
21.09 - from Rabanal del Camin to Ponferrada, 31,11km, Alb. Alea, €10
22.09 - from Ponferrada to VillaFranca, 23,48 km, Alb. de la Piedra, €10
23.09 - from Villa Franca to La Faba, 23,28 km, Alb. de Peregrinos de la Faba, €5
24.09 - from La Faba to Tricastela, 27,39 km, Alb. Atrio, €10
25.09 - from Tricastela to Sarria, 24,23 km, Don Álvaro, €9
26.09 - from Sarria to Portomarin, 22,06 km, Alb. Ferramenteiro, €10
27.09 - from Portomarin to Portos, 19,16 km, Alb. A Paso de Formiga, €10
28.09 - from Portos to Melide, 20,02 km, Alb. San Anton, €10
29.09 - from Melide to Brea, 27,23 km, Alb. El Chalet, €10
30.09 - from Brea to Santiago de Compostela, €24,98 km, Albergue Seminario Menor, €17 (our official end of the Adventure)
1.10 - day in Santiago de Compostela (optional). You could continue walking the extended route to Finisterra and/or Muxia, or go back home.