
Camino Primitivo Coaching Adventure

The name “Primitivo” refers to its origin as the first Camino Jacobeo (Camino de Santiago). Spanish king Alfonso II was the first pilgrim to Santiago de Compostela. The total distance is 321km. You start at the cathedral of Oviedo and finish at the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. This route has many steep up and down-hills, but the views from there are amazing!


April 12th. Arriving to Oviedo

The Original Way (Primitivo) starts from the Oviedo cathedral. It is nice to arrive here the day before to have some time to explore. Oviedo is a beautiful city with typical cobblestone streets, cathedral, many restaurants and bars. Easy to get by bus or by train from different cities in Spain. You could stay at Albergue El Salvador, Oviedo, municipal. It is quite a big one with many small rooms. It can accommodate 50 people, opens at 1 pm. Price 6 Euro pp.


Day 1. April 13th.

Oviedo -

El Escamplero [13km]

We meet at 8:00AM near the Cathedral of Oviedo. We will have our short catch up meeting all together and then everyone starts walking individually on his/her own pace through the city into the hills. The first day walk will be a short one with some up-hills and down-hills, but not very steep. You could stay at Albergue del Escamplero, municipal. It is a big house with four rooms that can accommodate 30 people, not very new but looks clean and has all the necessary. To register, pay and get bedding stop first at the restaurant. Price 5 euro pp. including bedding, only cash. Opens at 1 pm.


Day 2. April 14th.

El Escamplero – Grado – Villapañada [17km]

A beautiful walk through the mountains and small villages. There is a long uphill after Grado all the way to the albergue. You could stay at Albergue de San Juan de Villapañada, municipal. Make sure to bring some food with you as there is no shops or restaurants nearby. Fits 20 people but there is another place where they take pilgrims if that one is full. Price 5 euro pp. including bedding. Opens at 1 pm. It is a beautiful place to stay with the stunning view.


Day 3. April 15th.

Villapañada – La Doriga – Cornellana – Casazorrina – Salas [20km]

Today is mostly walking through the forest, there will be up and down hills all day. You could stay at Albergue de Salas, municipal. It can fit 16 people. Price 5 euro pp. It opens early, so you can just come in, take a bed and a person in charge will arrive later to register and collect money. There are also two or three private albergues/hostels, price from 10 euro pp.


Day 4. April 16th.

Salas – Bodenaya – La Espina – Tineo [

20 km]

A nice walking day with quite a bit uphill walking, a couple of pilgrim’s rest stop, a house with coffee and snack vending machines, toilets, tables and chairs. The first place to stop for coffee is La Espina, 9km away. A small detour on the way to Tineo will lead you to the beautiful waterfall in the forest. You could stay at one of two private albergues closer to the center with better facilities, price from 10 euro pp.


Day 5. April 17th.

Tineo - Borres


Borres is a tiny village with an albergue and a bar, no shop. Keep in mind the albergue in Borres is very basic and doesn’t have a kitchen but you can get food and coffee in the bar.


Day 6. April 18th.

Borres - Barducedo


From Borres you walk for 15km through the wild, after that the trail joins the main route at Puerto del Palo from where it’s 11km to Barducedo. On a clear day, you’ll be able to enjoy stunning mountainous scenery.


Day 7. April 19th.

Barducedo - A Mesa – Embalse de Salime – Grandas de Salime [


You will see very beautiful scenery, one long down-hill, most of the day slight up-hill. It is better to have breakfast in A Mesa, as there is no place to stop on the way except one restaurant 4km before Salime. On the way you will see tiny rocky chapel, after the first up-hill from A Mesa. Then there will be stunning view over Embalse de Salime (water reservoir) on the way down to the dam. Go to the viewpoint at the dam on the right-hand side of the road (walk through the door). If you want, you could visit anthropology museum in Grandas de Salime, 1,5 euro entrance fee. You could stay at Albergue de Grandas de Salime, municipal. It is a very nice and neat albergue with good facilities, located very close to the supermarket and bakery. There are 25 beds, opens at 12.30pm. Price 6 euro pp. including disposable bedding.


Day 8. April 20th.

Grandas de Salime – Cereixeira – Castro – Venta del Acebo – Barbeitos – A Fonsagrada [26km]

A nice day of walking with some up-hills, forest walk and a few muddy roads. Today you will leave Asturias and enter different province – Galicia, there will be a sign indicating it. You could stay at Albergue de A Fonsagrada, municipal. It is located next to the church, close to the supermarkets and restaurants. An old house turned into an albergue, new, spacious and modern, more like a cool hostel than a municipal albergue. Opens at 1 pm. Price 6 euro including beddings. It can accommodate 40 people.


Day 9. April 21st.

A Fonsagrada – Padron – Paradavella – A Lastra – Fontaneira – O Cadavo Baleira [25,4km]

That will be one long down-hill and many up-hills, sometimes they will be quite steep. You will finish at O Cadavo Baleira. It is a small town with three albergues, one municipal and two private ones. There are a couple of bars a bit further away from the albergue. You could stay at Albergue de O Cadavo Baleira, municipal. It is very basic one, price is 6 Euro, including disposable bedding. Opens at 1 pm


Day 10. April 22nd.

Vilabade – Castroverde – Vilar de Cas – Gondar – Castelo – Lugo [30,5km]

It will be better to start the day early in order to have more time in Lugo, it’s a nice city with a lot of things to see. The municipal albergue in Lugo has only 40 beds so if you arrive late you might not get a spot but there are many private albergues and hostels there. You can get breakfast and coffee at Vilabade, there is a food kiosk there, people who run it will open a local church for you, and will share with you a history of the Camino (if you understand Spanish). In the historical town of Lugo you will see impressive huge Roman walls, Gothic cathedral, and cobblestone streets. Do not miss to visit Calle de los Vinos, it is a street near the cathedral, with bars and tapas. Bakery Meson de Crecente has delicious pastry, good coffee.You could stay at Albergue de peregrinos de Lugo, municipal. It is a nice and big place inside the Wall, close to the restaurants and cathedral. It can fit 40 people, opens at 1 pm. Price 6 euro including disposable bedding.


Day 11. April 23rd.

Lugo – San Lazaro – San Vicenzo do Burgo – San Romao da Retorta [


That will be an easy walking day through the forest. You could stay at Xunta de Galicia Pilgrim Hostel, 8 Euro p.p., capacity 12 people


Day 12. April 24th.

San Romao da Retorta - Castrelo – A Covela – O Carballal – As Seixas – Casacamino – Irago de Arriba – Melide [28km]

That will be the last day of walking without crowds of pilgrims on the trails. There are several restaurants on the way where you can stop for lunch or coffee. Some parts of the trail you will walk through the forest. Both the Camino Frances and the Camino Primitivo join in Melide. And for the last two days you will walk on the French Camino. The town is famous for pulperias – restaurants where you can eat “pulpo” - octopus cooked with spices (my favorite food on Earth!). You could stay at Pereiro Pilgrim Hostel, price 8 Euro p.p., capacity 40 people.


Day 13. April 25th.

Melide – Boente – A Fraga Alta – Ribadiso da Baixo – Arzua – Calle – Salceda – Mojon – O Empalme – Santa Irene – A Rua – O Pedrouzo [33km]

After the quiet Camino Primitivo, you start walking on the French Camino. There are many coffee shops, restaurants, albergues on the way, every 5km at least. You could stay at Porta de Santiago Hostel, price is 10 Euro pp, capacity 54 people.


Day 14. April 26th.

O Pedrouzo – San Paio – Lavacolla – Monte do Gozo – Santiago de Compostela [20km]

The last day it is better to start early if you want to make it to the Pilgrim Mass at 12 pm (there is a Pilgrim Mass at 7.30pm as well). Remember you’re not allowed to enter the cathedral with a backpack, so you can either leave it in your albergue or at the Pilgrim’s Reception Office, 100m from the Cathedral.

Note! The Masses take place in different locations due to the renovation in the Cathedral.

Camino Coaching Package is €700, that includes 7 coaching sessions: