Camino Finisterre Way

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Walking towards the “End of the World”

The Costa de Morte (literally, the “Death Coast”) is surrounded by legends and mystery. It is becoming increasingly popular for pilgrims to extend their pilgrimage to Santiago and get to Fisterra to get to the “end of the world”

If after completing the Portuguese Camino you still feel strong, you could continue walking this beautiful 3-day journey.


Day 1. April 12th. Santiago de Compostela - Negreira [21km]

You start from the Cathedral. Then from Obradoiro square follow Rua das Hortas, the street on the right that goes down past Hotel Reyes Catolicos. You will start seeing yellow arrows painted on the asphalt (a bit faded), follow the arrows. Cross Rua do Pombal (busy road) and follow along Rua da Poza de Bar. After about 1km from the cathedral, at Caballeria de San Lorenzo Park, you’ll see the first distance pole. From there on the route is well marked with distance poles.


Day 2. April 13th. Negreira - Olveiroa [33km]

That will be a nice walk through the forest in the beginning that will change into the countryside scenery with many small villages, pasture fields, famous Galician rock granaries and hundreds of cows. The route continues going up and down all the way. From Negreira on there are several bars and cafe, so you finding a place to stop for coffee, breakfast or lunch. Note! There will be no shops/supermarkets on the way


Day 3. April 14th. Olveiroa - Finisterre [35km]

After 5km at Hospital you’ll see a split, turn left to Finisterre. Note! The next place after the bar at Hospital where you can get food or coffee is in Cee, 15km away. If you don’t feel like walking 35km all the way to Finisterre you can stop after 21km in Cee or Corcubión and next morning continue walking to Finisterre, 14km more. If you’re not planning to continue to Muxía you can catch a bus back to Santiago de Compostela, there are 4 to 6 daily buses.

Camino Finisterre Coaching Package includes 4 coaching sessions: