
What is Coaching and what will you get?

Coaching is the process of bridging the gap between where you are NOW and where you WANT TO BE in achieving your goal. It is the most efficient and less time consuming way of discovering who You really are, what your core values are, and what makes you happy and fulfilled.

After several coaching sessions you will be able to figure out by yourself what you really want and how you can get it. You will have clarity what drives you, what is important for you, and how you could bring more of this into your life despite all the doubts and obstacles on your way. It is possible!


What is Co-Active Adventure Coaching?

The “Co-Active” means the balance of “being” and “doing”. Very often we are skewed one way or the other, getting stuck in “being” and not taking any action, or only taking the action without taking time for ourselves to be present at that very moment and to reflect.

The “Co” in Co-Active stands for co-creating together with the client that safe and courageous space in our coaching relationship, where You are invited to ‘be’ who you really are, to connect with the energy of your Inner wisdom that is always present for you.

The “Active” part stands for the action and direction that is required from You in order to implement all the learning that you have discovered of your “being” side and live the life you really want with all the clarity, courage, taking charge and achieving the goals.

Personally I add a flavour of “Adventure” to coaching with my clients, as it is one of my core values. I developed Camino Adventure Program where my clients could literally “walk their talk”. Something unique becomes available for them. And I am there with them to expand their perspectives, to connect with their Inner Self on much deeper level in that particular moment , so they could get their answers and have a clear action in the chosen direction.

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Who do I coach?

The focus of my coaching practice is serving people who are feeling “stuck” in their professional or personal life, and who are already asking themselves: “What should I do now in order to move forward and finally live my meaningful life?”

I work with MBA Alumni, Senior Executives, Entrepreneurs and those who are about to change their career as I have similar experience and could relate to all the challenges that they face. Wheather you are an MBA Alumni with new set of skills, or Senior Executive with huge experience, an Entrepreneur with the bright idea of a startup - it looks like you already have everything you need to be successful. So what is there that still holds you back from living your fulfilled life?

And I do team coaching for the startups and big corporations to help them grow and expand, work more efficiently in their unique system.

During coaching sessions I “walk the talk” and help people to realise their peak potential and achieve self-defined growth goals, so they can live the best version of their life to the fullest.


How do I work?

Before starting a coaching process, I offer free sample session for “chemistry check”, so we could get to know each other a bit better.

I truly believe that people are naturally creative, resourceful and whole, never “broken”. Do not expect me giving you any piece of advice, as in our coaching relationships we together co-create that safe and courageous space where you as a Client will be able to find the answers on your own questions. I will challenge you, I will put you out of comfort zone sometimes, and we will discover your values, your purpose, and what still holds you back. And you will come up with the clear vision and actions, so you could make that change in your life.

The number of sessions is discussed individually, although usually client needs minimum 6 coaching sessions (one hour) as the change doesn’t happen during the coaching session itself, it happens in between.

I coach face-to-face / online, in English & Russian.

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive
— Howard Thurman