If you don’t have time or desire of walking full Camino Portuguese (280 km) or Camino Primitivo (321 km), you could always choose to walk only last 100km, get coaching on the way, and even receive Compostela in Santiago. Note! According to the new rules for the last 100 km to Santiago de Compostela you need to get two stamps per day (you can get them in bars and restaurants on the way) in order to get the Compostela.

And you also could choose walking last 100 km of Camino Portuguese or of Camino Primitivo.

Option 2: last 100km of Camino primitivo


Day 1. April 23rd.

Lugo – San Lazaro – San Vicenzo do Burgo – San Romao da Retorta [


That will be an easy walking day through the forest. You could stay at Xunta de Galicia Pilgrim Hostel, 8 Euro p.p., capacity 12 people


Day 2. April 24th.

San Romao da Retorta - Castrelo – A Covela – O Carballal – As Seixas – Casacamino – Irago de Arriba – Melide [28km]

That will be the last day of walking without crowds of pilgrims on the trails. There are several restaurants on the way where you can stop for lunch or coffee. Some parts of the trail you will walk through the forest. Both the Camino Frances and the Camino Primitivo join in Melide. And for the last two days you will walk on the French Camino. The town is famous for pulperias – restaurants where you can eat “pulpo” - octopus cooked with spices (my favorite food on Earth!). You could stay at Pereiro Pilgrim Hostel, price 8 Euro p.p., capacity 40 people.


Day 3. April 25th.

Melide – Boente – A Fraga Alta – Ribadiso da Baixo – Arzua – Calle – Salceda – Mojon – O Empalme – Santa Irene – A Rua – O Pedrouzo [33km]

After the quiet Camino Primitivo, you start walking on the French Camino. There are many coffee shops, restaurants, albergues on the way, every 5km at least. You could stay at Porta de Santiago Hostel, price is 10 Euro pp, capacity 54 people.


Day 4. April 26th.

O Pedrouzo – San Paio – Lavacolla – Monte do Gozo – Santiago de Compostela [20km]

The last day it is better to start early if you want to make it to the Pilgrim Mass at 12 pm (there is a Pilgrim Mass at 7.30pm as well). Remember you’re not allowed to enter the cathedral with a backpack, so you can either leave it in your albergue or at the Pilgrim’s Reception Office, 100m from the Cathedral.

Note! The Masses take place in different locations due to the renovation in the Cathedral.

Camino Coaching Package is €600, that includes 6 coaching sessions: