Coaching Session #1 - Discovery [1,5hr] - is scheduled online before Camino

Before starting Camino it is important to get to know each other a bit better. During face-to-face online session we will design the alignment - how both of us want to be together and work during Camino Coaching Journey. We will discuss the main objective of Camino coaching journey, and how the client wants to track the results. We will do guided meditation where the client will have a chance to get to know better his/her Inner Voice, and also other voices that we hear in our heads. We will discover the core values. All this work will build important foundation for the whole Camino.

Coaching Session #3 - Individual Session [1hr] - scheduled at the start of Camino

Choose the topic that you really want to focus for the whole Camino. Feel what your heart truly desires and think about a “big game”, the one that makes you dance rather than merely walk.

In everyday life we used to make choices based on what others want, or what will be the easiest, or what will cause us the least amount of discomfort in the moment. By doing Camino you are already making a step forward, going to discover what you truly want instead of settling for what you have and give up on your dreams. But the movement in this direction is so overwhelming that, without some kind of structure for support, we all get easily swept away. We forget what it is that we truly want, what brings us joy and fulfillment. We forget that we know.

And I will be there for You. I will encourage you to set the goals that make you to stretch, that call forth to your new capabilities and power, that push and pull you forward into a bigger life.

Coaching Session #4 - Individual Session [1hr] - scheduled in the middle of Camino

After one week of walking you will discover that you could connect easily with Youself: you listen to your body clearly and you could feel all the range of emotions on much deeper level. You will be aware what is really important for you, and that is part of transformation you will be going through.

During this session I invite you to come up with the topic that really matters to you at that moment. You might already receive some answers to your questions on your way. During this session you will be able to expand into the fullness and richness of being who you are because you will no longer try to avoid what becomes present for you. You will be experience something meaningful for Yourself and based on this I will challenge you to create a clear action that will move you closer to your dream.

Coaching Session #5 - Individual Session [1hr] - scheduled at the end of Camino

The last session on the Camino way will be done with each participant at the day we arrive to Santiago de Compostela. It is worth to spend time in this sacred place, it is worth to take time to be by yourself. It is worth to celebrate…

During session we will take a moment to go back and to remember the feeling and intention in the beginning of the journey, and we will see what will be there now. We will check all the juicy learning and knowledge gained over the past two weeks, and see what is opening next for.

Although our destination to Santiago de Compostela will be reached, Camino will stay with you forever, with its priceless gifts and discoveries. And at that moment you will be clear and confident to write your new story… Buen Camino!