Accommodation on the Camino

There are several options:

  • Municipal albergue are run by government that is why they are cheaper, can’t be booked ahead, price between 5-8 Euro p.p., accept only cash

  • Private albergue belong to a person or a company, more expensive, 10-12 Euro p.p., usually with better facilities, can be booked in advance over the phone or online booking.

  • Private hotels are for those who are looking for more privacy in their journey, the price starts from 15 Euro p.p.


 Camino Portuguese crosses two countries – Portugal and Spain, and there are some differences in prices:

  • Eating out – “Menu do Dia”, sometimes called “Pilgrim’s Menu” that is a set lunch/dinner that includes starter, main dish with sides, drink or coffee and dessert: from 7 Euro p.p. in Portugal and 10 Euro p.p. in Spain

  • Food shopping – 6-8 Euro p.p. per day in Portugal, same in Spain

  • A cup of coffee (Americano) – 0,60 Euro in Portugal, 1-1,2 Euro in Spain

  • A beer in a bar – 1 Euro in Portugal, 1-1,2 Euro in Spain

  • Laundry in albergue – washing 2 Euro per load in Portugal, 3 Euro per load in Spain, drying - 1,5-3 Euro per load.

  • Backpack delivery – an optional service you could use if you don’t feel carrying your backpack with you – 6-7 Euro per backpack per stage in Portugal, and from 5 Euro depending on a stage in Spain.