Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
The Camino Francés or French Way is the most famous of all the Camino de Santiago routes, featuring in many documentaries, books and movies such as ‘The Way‘ and ‘I’ll Push You’. Breathtaking scenery, towns and cities full of history and authentic villages will be part of this extraordinary journey: from the phenomenal views of the Pyrenees to the vineyards of La Rioja, from the lively tapas bars of Burgos to the magical beauty of O Cebreiro. In terms of physical challenge this route is rated as moderate as it includes some mountains walks.
You could choose Full Camino Coaching Package (4 weeks) or one of “shorter” options (3, 2 or 1 week). While St Jean Pied de Port marks the starting point of the Camino Francés, you can start your Camino from any town or city along the way, and I will meet you there. Even if you start from Sarria, in Galicia, and walk the last 113 km to Santiago, there is also Coaching Package for 1 week and you also have a right to receive the Certificate of Santiago de Compostela.
Coaching Package 4 weeks
1 discovery session
5 coaching sessions
2 follow up sessions
2 group coaching sessions
31.08 - 01.10.2019
Saint James Pied de Port - Santiago de Compostela (790 km)
Standard price: € 1120
Coaching Package 3 weeks
1 discovery session
4 coaching sessions
2 follow up sessions
2 group coaching sessions
31.08 - 22.09.2019
Saint James Pied de Port - Ponferrada (568 km)
10.09 - 02.10.2019
Burgos - Santiago de Compostela
(495 km)
Standard price: € 960
Coaching Package 2 weeks
1 discovery session
3 coaching sessions
1 follow up session
2 group coaching sessions
31.08 - 15.09.2019
Saint James Pied de Port - Calzadila de la Cueza (385 km)
07.09 - 22.09.2019
Najera - Ponferrada (378 km)
17.09 - 02.10.2019
Leon - Santiago de Compostela
(315 km)
Standard price: € 800
Coaching Package 1 week
1 discovery session
2 coaching sessions
1 follow up session
2 group coaching sessions
31.08 - 08.09.201
Saint James Pied de Port - Najera
(190 km)
07.09 - 15.09.2019
Najera - Calzadila de la Cueza (195 km) or
14.09 - 21.09.2019
Calzadila de la Cueza - Ponferrada
(183 km)
25.09 - 02.10.2019
Sarria - Santiago de Compostela
(113 km)
Standard price: € 640
The price is calculated based on the number of sessions in each Camino Coaching Package. Please take into account other expanses, that are not included (and yes, it is very cheap there):
accommodation: cost of municipal albergue is € 6-9 per night, for the private ones is € 12-15 per night
meals: breakfast € 3,5-4,5; pilgrim’s menu for lunch/dinner € 9-12
tickets (flight, bus, boat, etc.,)
travel insurance (recommended)
Important: all my current clients (including those who already completed the set of coaching sessions) will automatically receive 25% discount from the Standard price of any Camino Coaching Package.