"Coaching Circle" - How It Was Created and What We Celebrate Today

On Friday, February 24th, 2020, before Covid-19 outbreak, we supposed to meet with Manon Huntjens first time for coffee just to get to know each other. Somehow we mixed the locations and ended up waiting each other in different places in Amsterdam. So in order not to waste time, we decided to connect via Zoom from where we were.

We connected, shared some thoughts, and in the end of our meeting we came up with an idea of organising Coaching Circles. The following Friday we launched our very first Coaching Circle with 12 members from 3 the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

Today, 24th July, 5 months later, also Friday, I would like to share the learning and the results we have so far

Who is She?

At one of coaching sample sessions last week I was asked who was She, my ideal client. My immediate answer was – the one who is very similar to me... the one who tried to be that “Good girl” the world told Her to be maybe since High school... and she was carrying that belief everywhere she could - in her relationships, in her job, in her parenting, etc.. Indeed who is She?

Associated Certified Coach (ACC) by ICF

What do you think this small badge in the right upper corner of my photo means? As Coaching is a relatively new and growing profession, we as coaches normally do not have Masters or Bachelors degree as part of Coaching Education to provide evidence of our qualifications (although I do have MBA, but that one is not related to coaching).

Asking For Help

This skill – yes, it is a skill to learn actually – I discovered since the beginning of my Leadership program more than 8 months ago. And apparently I totally forgot to do it… So when the life brought some situations where I could really practice it, I didn’t even think about skill, as I didn’t trained that “muscle”, responsible for this. Yesterday with some of colleagues of mine we discussed this topic on a bit deeper level. I realised that I usually didn’t ask for help, because I was afraid of being rejected. And apparently it is not just because I was afraid to receive that “No”, the bigger reason underneath that fear was the unconscious judging myself of not being strong and needing this help.

Happy where I am now without Corporate job

Last year 30th April was my last working day at my Corporate job. Was I excited about it? Yes! Did I have a feeling of uncertainty, unpredictability and instability? YES! And here is the thing: whenever I want to change something in my life there is always that “exciting” voice in me that is always present, is always FOR me, that drives me towards my Dream… And there is another “sabotaging” voice that tries to question my ability to start my own business, to convince that I am not good enough, not worthy, etc. At the moment I make the choice I actually decide which voice I want to listen to. That choice determines my life afterwards. And yes, that requires courage and responsibility.

Time to remember who we are

For the last session of Positive Intelligence course me and other coaches were asked to bring a childhood photo of ourselves in the age up to 13 years old. I found one, but during the visualization I have totally different image that popped up in my mind. And after the session was over, I asked my parents to send me the “original”. Yes, exactly that photo reflects my true essence: this joyful, funny, energetic, loving and caring girl that I was born to be, who I always have been, and who I will always be. This is my true unique self that is worthy of all the unconditional love, compassion and empathy just because. I do not need to prove it, to earn that, justify it, or perform it. And no one could take it from me.

In order to success I should...

Yes, please, I need some guidance, I am taking the notes ..."📝. This kind of thoughts visit my mind many times per day. My mind was overwhelmed, it was looking for concrete answers. When quarantine happened probably as many of you I also wanted to have quick solutions and “fix” the current situation in order to have a feeling of control.

The Urge for Connection

In the Netherlands it is officially 3rd week of quarantine. And due to the specifics of my coaching business, working from home was not something new or unfamiliar for me. I actually really love my home office after spending 15 years in corporate. Although the first quarantine week was challenging and overwhelming with emotions, fears, anxiety, the elements of denial and attempts to control something, the 2nd and the 3rd weeks appeared to be much better,

Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, or CPCC

Two weeks ago I took my last CTI Certification Oral exam. Next early morning I flew to Barcelona for my CTI Leadership Retreat 2 in Sitges. When I landed, the first message that popped up on my mobile screen was the Congratulations email from CTI for successfully passing my exam - I got my CPCC! Although I was super happy about that news, I was also feeling very excited to head to my Leadership retreat and meet my tribe. And I feel I didn’t really have time to slow down (a bit) and give myself permission to celebrate this milestone properly…

I Wish I had...

Yesterday’s tragedy of Ukrainian plane crash shortly after it took off from Tehran's international airport reminds me again about the fragility of Life. We have just celebrated the beginning of New Year, and what do we face? Bushfires in Australia, uncertainty and insecurity in the Middle East and today 176 people died because of the airplane crash.


What are we doing with our lives? Do we live it to the fullest? Do we honor what is important to us?

Power of knowing your Impact

Milano Joint Business School Ball was one of the best MBA reunions so far. Luxury exclusive event with the opportunity to meet with the MBA alumni, RSM Armada people and meeting new friends. My schedule was tough in terms all the programs I have attended last month. But I didn’t want to miss that one. And it was a bit of challenge for me to attend the Ball the very next day after my CTI Leadership retreat in Sitges was over. Although my body was screaming for some rest and reflection time, the virus was attacking me, my voice was slowly disappearing, but I consciously decided to be “switched on 100%” during the Ball.

What Story Do you Tell Yourself?

Sometimes we feel that life is just “happening to” us, nothing can be done about it, the circumstances are unfair. If you are working several years in the same company, you have experience and knowledge, you meet all the KPIs every year, so it is obvious that you deserve promotion, salary increase, and other bonuses at this higher grade. But your manager probably doesn’t think so. And you might start blaming him for that.

How I Failed

During the registration of my coaching company, KVK specialist asked me if I had a “solo-business” before in the Netherlands. I did, and she asked me what went wrong. The first thought that came to me was “I FAILED”. And then “Wait, that was actually great EXPERIENCE & LEARNING”.

I am Entrepreneur, now it is official

Today I have registered my own «eenmanszaak» Company, in English it translates to «one man business», but I would even say «one woman business». The procedure of open a business in the Netherlands is very simple. I filled out the registration form and made an online appointment at KVK (Dutch Camper of Commerce). The form must be written in Dutch, but the Chamber of Commerce provides English translations of all business registration forms

Opportunity for Free Coaching

Coaching is an investment, investment in Yourself, in your Life. Maybe not everyone could be ready for that at this particular moment, but I truly believe that everyone could definitely benefit from it greatly. I also understand that not everyone could afford hiring a Coach, especially if you just moved to a new country and looking for a job in a new environment. And that is why I am honoured to be one of international coaches at Empower Amsterdam , a volunteer organisation that provides support and guidance to international unemployed people.

Five years MBA Reunion at RSM, class MBA14

Our official five years MBA reunion started with the RSM Leadership Summit where we had opportunity to listen to several inspiring speakers. RSM’s focus and mission is to be a force for positive change in the world, and all the presentations were about how we could implement this positive change in our lives now. Change. Positive change.

Why do we need approval from someone else?

If we want we are all quite intelligent and skilled enough in telling people what they want to hear from us in order to impress them. It could happen in many areas of our lives, and especially we use this “skill” during the job interview process, when the goal is to get the offer(s), and then maybe think how this job, this company is aligned with what I like and what I want to do. We are even taught “to fake it till you make it”… As we want to be the best version of Ourselves in front of potential employer. And that was my experience as well some time ago.

Do not hire a Coach IF

You already find the right direction – you have a clear knowing where you're heading, what is your focus and you are fully aware about your true purpose. Or You have reached your full potential – you have a feeling that you hit the high notes and achieved everything you are capable of.

What is the difference in such professions as Coach, Therapist, Consultant

During sample coaching sessions in 80% of cases I get asked about the difference between coaching, therapy, and consulting (or mentoring). I love explaining the difference among those professions on the following example. Let’s imagine that client wants to learn to ride the bicycle, but a bit afraid of doing so by himself, so what would be the approach of those three specialists:

What gifts Camino Gives You

In April 2019 I did my Camino journey. Pilgrims call it a “trip of a life time”, “an outstanding lifetime experience”, “life changing track”, because it indeed changes people’s life as Camino stays with you forever with all these endless gifts… How often in your life do you take time and create space for yourself - just being by yourself, listening to yourself, and actually being yourself? We usually find many reasons not to do that: the life “happens”, we are busy with our jobs, taking care of our families, everyday routine, etc,. And what?